42nd edition
4-12.04 2025
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Programmation Festival 2022
Andrina Bollinger & Alessandra Bossa
Andrina Bollinger (voc, elec, perc), Alessandra Bossa (p, elec)
Anja Lechner & François Couturier
Anja Lechner (vlc), François Couturier (p)
Anouar Brahem Quartet
Anouar Brahem (oud), Klaus Gesing (bcl, sax), Björn Meyer (bg), Khaled Yassine (perc, darbouka, bendir)
Balimaya Project
Yahael Camara Onono (djb), Skanda Sabbagh (dounounba, kenkeni), Jali Bakary Konte (kora), Godwin Sonzi (g), Richie Sweet (cga), Jamal Wilson (kbd), Jonathan Moko (bg), Triston Dubison (dms), Xhosa Cole (sax), Joe Bristow (tb)
Benny Sings
Benny Sings (voc, g), Adam Bar Pereg (kbd), June Fermie (back-voc), Colin Vermeulen (dms), Bram Wassink (bg), Randel Heye (tp)
Bill Laurance Trio
Bill Laurance (p, kbd), Max Luthert (bg), Marijus Aleksa (dms)
Chucho Valdés Quartet
Chucho Valdés (p), Reiner Elizarde Ruano (db), Pedro Pablo Rodriguez Mireles (perc), Georvis Pico Milian (dms)
Concert pour enfants
Flèche Love
Flèche Love - Amina (voc), Olivier Koundouno (vlc), Jaafar Aggiouri Guitare (cl)
Dee Dee Bridgewater Sextet
Dee Dee Bridgewater (voc), Claudio Filippini (p), Rosa Brunello (bg), Evita Polidoro (dms), Mirco Rubegni (tp), Michele Polga (sax)
Ebi Soda
Conor Knight, William Heaton, Samuel Schlich-Davies, Louis Jenkins, Hari-Lee Evans
Florian Favre
Florian Favre (p)
Flèche Love
Flèche Love - Amina Cadelli (voc), Olivier Koundouno (vlc), Jaafar Aggiouri Guitare (cl)
Gauthier Toux Trio
Gauthier Toux (p), Samuel F'Hima (cb), Maxence Sibille (dms)
GoGo Penguin
Chris Illingworth (p), Nick Blacka (bg), Jon Scott (dms)
HEMU Jazz Orchestra
feat. Ayekoo Drummers of Ghana
HEMU : Vincent Andreae (dms), Thomas Dobler (vb), Fabien Ghirotto (dms), Olga Iurasova (vla), Maiana Lavielle (vlc), Etienne Mbappé (bg), Olha Semchyshyn (v), Justine Tornay (voc, tp), Arthur Traelnes (v), Ayekoo Drummers of Ghana : Frank Kwasi Opoku, Dickson Kwabena Darko Opoku, Alex Tseh
Heiri Känzig Travelin’
Heiri Känzig (bg), Veronika Stalder (voc), Matthieu Michel (fh), Amine Mraihi (oud), Marc Mean (p), Lionel Friedli (dms), Invités: Richard Galliano (acc), Prabhu Edouard (perc)
Sasha Vovk (voc, kbd, g), Julie Rens (voc, kbd, elec dms)
Stefan Aeby (p, compo), Matthieu Michel (tp), Patrice Moret (cb, compo), Sara Oswald (vlc)
Kassa Overall
Kassa Overall (dms, voc), Tomoki Sanders (sax, elec), Ian Fink (kbd), Bendji Allonce (perc)
Lana Kostic (vlc)
Le Cri du Caire
Abdullah Miniawy (voc, compo), Peter Corser (sax, compo), Karsten Hochapfel (vlc)
Marie Krüttli
«Dragon Life»
Marie Krüttli (Fender Rhodes, kbd, voc, effects), Jérémie Krüttli aka James Iwa (elec bg, b synth), Chiao-Hua Chang (erhu), Zacharie Ksyk (tp, effets), Domi Chansorn (perc), Jamie Murray (dms)
Mario Batkovic
Mario Batkovic (acc)
Natalia M. King
«Woman Mind Of My Own»
Natalia M. King (lead-voc, g), Ludovic Bruni (g), François Bernat (cb), Vince Laurent (dms), Damien Argientieri (p, rhodes)
Oum Trio «Mouthallat»
Oum (voc), Yacir Rami (oud), Guillaume Latil (vlc)
Paolo Fresu & Lars Danielsson duo
Paolo Fresu (tp, fh), Lars Danielsson (cb, vlc)
Popa Chubby
Popa Chubby - Theodore Horowitz (g), Luca Chiellini (kbd), Francesco Beccaro (bg), Stefano Giudici (dms)
Reuben James
Reuben James (p, kbd), David Hodek (dms), David Mrakpor (bg)
Richard Galliano New York Tango Trio
Richard Galliano (acc, melowtone), Sébastien Giniaux (g, vlc), Diego Imbert (cb)
Rosie Frater-Taylor
Rosie Frater-Taylor (g, voc), Tom Potter (dms), Dave Edwards (bg)
Thibault Cauvin
Thibault Cauvin (g)
Tigran Hamasyan Trio
«The Call Within»
Tigran Hamasyan (p, kbd, voc), Marc Karapetian (bg), Arthur Hnatek (dms)
Yazz Ahmed
Yazz Ahmed (tp), Ralph Wyld (vib), Dudley Phillips (bg), Martin France (dms)
Youn Sun Nah Quartet
Youn Sun Nah (voc), Brad Christopher Jones (cb, elbg), Thomas Naïm (g, elg), Tony Paeleman (p, kbd, synth)
Paul Butscher (fh, elec), Mélusine Chappuis (p, rhodes fender, synth, elec), Xavier Almeida (dms)
Afra Kane
Afra Kane (p, voc), Marius Rivier (dms), Christophe Farine (bg), Emilio Vidal (g)
Al Doum and the Faryds
Cecilia Iaconelli (voc), Davide Domenichini (bg, voc), Ivan Guillaume Cosenza (fender rhodes, voc, fl), Ivan Maddio (as, ts), Jimmy Catagnoli (as), Lorenz (g, perc), Lorenzo Faraò (bs), Matteo "Sauron" Saronni (dms, perc, cl), Marina Ladduca (voc), Stefano "Puma" Tamagni (dms, perc)
Andrina Bollinger
Andrina Bollinger (voc, g, kbd), Jules Martinet (bg), Arthur Hnatek (dms), Alvin Schwaar (kbd, synth)
Antoine Favennec Quintet
Antoine Favennec (as, ss, compo), Gauthier Toux (p, fender rhodes), Louis Matute (g), Matyas Szandai (cb), Nathan Vandenbulcke (dms)
Arnaud Dolmen Quartet
Arnaud Dolmen (dms), Léonardo Montana (p), Samuel F'hima (cb), Francesco Geminiani (sax)
Billie Bird
Blaster B
Blue Mountain Jazz Band
Léonard Müller (cl, ts), Jean-Paul Hautier (ss, as), René Lambelet (tu), Xavier Koeb (bj, g), Roland Pellet (dms)
Bossa Supernova
Leoni Altherr (voc, g, synth), Luzius Schuler (synth, drum-machines), Benedikt Utzinger (bg, voc)
CJF x Holy Groove
João Selva
João Selva (voc, g, perc), Bruno Patchworks (voc, bg), Boris Pokora (voc, sax, fl, tb), Paul Charnay (voc, fender rhodes), Nico Taite (voc, dms)
CJF x Holy Groove
Hadrien Santos Da Silva (dms, voc, perc), Cédric Schaerer (org hammond, kbd), Erwan Valazza (El-g), Arthur Donnot (sax, perc)
Carte blanche à Valentin Liechti
Shems Bendali (tp), Rodrigo Aravena (bg), Valentin Liechti (dms)
Chicago Boys Band
Daniel Pichard (tp, fh), Virgile Desarzens (cl, sax), Hubert Mougin (p), Gilbert Gubler (cb), Gianni Solinas (dms)
Chien mon ami
Naomi Mabanda, Benjamin Tenko , & guests
Can Unal (kbd), Félix Fivaz (dms), Thomas Richard (MC), Mathieu Palomo (MC)
Cori Nora
Cori Nora (voc, g, kbd), Christoph Huber (sax, kbd, elec), Nick Furrer (dms, voc)
Dalai Puma
Franziska Staubli (voc, g, bg), Yannik Sandhofer (voc, g, bg, dms), Ramón Oliveras (voc, bg, dms)
Duo Sonore & Ganesh Geymeier
Clément Grin (dms, synth, perc), Yann Hunziker (dms, voc, perc), Ganesh Geymeier (ts)
EJMA live
Natan Niddam (kbd, voc), Yoann Maeder (g, bg, voc), Damien Sigrand (dms, voc)
Fabien Iannone
Fabien Iannone (bg, synth), Francesco Geminiani (sax, synth), Julien Dinkel (g), Romain Iannone (vj, installation)
Food For Ya Soul
Frank Spirit
Tanguy Jouanjan (tp, synth), Monomite (bg, machines), Noé Benita (dms), Thibaud Merle (sax, fl, cl), Jordan Saintard (kbd)
Howald & the Amnis Band
Dimitri Howald (g, voc, dms), Stefan Schischkanov (g, synth, voc), Jeremias Keller (bg, voc), Giulin Stäubli (dms)
IYA KO & The Guilty Pleasures
Iya Ko (voc), Dylan Ifergan (kbd), David Pavlik (bg), Victor Despland (dms), Théo Starobinski (g)
Jungle Woods Quartet
Arthur Donnot (sax), Matthieu Llodra (kbd), Ivan Rougny (bg elec), Maxence Sibille (dms)
Lavaux Social Band
Laurent Béguelin (p, perc), Invités: Pierre Ponnaz (g), Jean-François Ponnaz (bg), Mambi Chango (perc), Pierre Schenk (dms, voc, sax), Brigitte Arm (p, voc), Alexandre Tapis (bg), Antonio Anton (dms), Yves Lehmann (voc), Yves Jaton (voc), André Toundé (voc), Victoria Harmadjieva (p), Christian Aeppli (dms), Alexandre Cellier
Lost in Swing
Louis Billette (ts), Clément Meunier (cl), Julien Lemoine (vib), Etienne Loupot (g), Piotr Wegrovski (cb)
Louis Billette Quintet
Louis Billette (sax), Zacharie Ksyk (tp), Francois Lana (p), Blaise Hommage (b), Marton Kiss (dms)
Louis Matute & Léo Tardin
Léo Tardin (fender rhodes), Louis Matute (g elec)
Matthieu Mazué Trio
Matthieu Mazué (p), Xaver Rüegg (cb), Michael Cina (dms)
Ngoc Lan
Niels Broos x Jamie Peet
Niels Broos, Jamie Peet
NoMad Spirits
Amine Mraihi (oud, oud elec), Angel Demirev (g), Valentin Conus (sax), Axel Lussiez (dms)
Noé Tavelli & The Argonauts
Shems Bendali (tp, fh), Domenic Landolf (ts), Manuel Schmiedel (p), Fabien Iannone (cb), Noé Tavelli (dms, compo)
Georg Kiss (dms), Christoph Kiss (kbd), Bérénice Keller (perc), Elias Kirchgraber (bg), Rachid Freudemann (tp)
Old New Orleans Monkeys
Roger Rémy (tp), Jacques Ducrot (as, cl), François Pesse (p), Jean-Claude Pesse (bj), Julien Cotting (dms)
Oort Cloud
Cyrill Ferrari (g), Johanna Pärli (cb), Michael Cina (dms)
Pat Kalla & Le Super Mojo
Nicolas Delaunay (dms), JM Warluzelle (bg), Mathieu Manach (perc), David Marion (kbd, p), Julian Jan (g), Pat Kalla (voc)
Vincent Membrez (kbd), Lionel Friedli (dms)
Riviera Jazz Connection
Marc Sturzenegger (cl, ss, as, voc), Denis Michel (tp, voc), Pierre Ponnaz (g, bj), Paul Kapp (p, voc), Patrick Perrier (cb), Gianni Solinas (dms, voc)
Soul Koffi
Pierre Troel « Fulgeance » (bg, kbd), Alexis Eleftheriadi-Bey « Soulist » (turntable, sampler), Vincent Choquet (kbd), Guillaume Rossel (dms)
Strassenköter Quartett
Rafael Schilt (ts), Tobias Pfister (ts), Raphael Walser (db), Lukas Mantel (dms)
The Bongo Hop
The Cakewalking Babies
Roger Rémy (tp), Thomas Winteler (cl, ss), Philippe Anhorn (p, voc), Sophie Martin (b, voc), Maximilien Anhorn (d, wbd, voc)
The Echoes Of Django Trio
Charles Fréchette (g, voc), Jérémie Pellaz (g), JB Guerrier (cb)
Tobias Preisig Residency
Tobias Preisig (v, synth), Alessandro Giannelli (dms, synth), James Varghese (bg, synth), and more Surprise Guests
Tribute to ODD FUTURE
Allan "DB.CHAN" Broomfield (kbd), Rico TK (voc), Zacharie Ksyk (tp), Antoine Favennec (sax, fl), Louis Matute (g), Wolfgang Dolder (bg), Nathan Triquet (dms)
Sascha Frischknecht (dms, compo), Claude Stucki (g), Jérémie Krüttli (bg), Mathieu Friz (kbd)
Valentin Liechti Trio
Shems Bendali (tp), Rodrigo Aravena (bg), Valentin Liechti (dms)
Vincz Lee & Jiggy Jones
present Memory Lane
We are old?!
Elio Amberg (sax), Xaver Rüegg (bg), Paul Amereller (dms)
Wiesendanger – Martinet – Grin
Chris Wiesendanger (p, elec), Jules Martinet (db), Clément Grin (dms)
Linus Amstad (sax, fl), Florian Weiss (tb), Valentin von Fischer (db), Philipp Leibundgut (dms)
Yves Jaton & Laurent Béguelin
Yves Jaton (voc), Laurent Béguelin (p, perc)
carizm & studer tm
ill Dubio
HIGH JAZZ* Records
Basile Rosselet (sax, compo), Alvin Schwaar (p, compo), Virgile Rosselet (cb), Noé Franklé (dms)