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Angelo Powers (voc), Vimbai Mukarati (voc), Evita Koné (voc), Elise Ganguillet (voc), Ivana Muckova (voc), Rita Soares (voc), Frank Salis (p), Ethan Borlet-Hôte (elb), Martin Aseron (perc)
After years of planning, the Festival is delighted to present a gospel project at the Temple of Cully. Rising star Angelo Powers, deeply devoted to both his faith and his music, will showcase his powerful voice alongside other singers, accompanied by piano, bass, and percussion. The ensemble will perform a repertoire of praise songs and original compositions by the Geneva-based artist. The choir's resonant power, captivating rhythms, and celestial melodies will transform this sacred venue into a beacon of celebration and spiritual upliftment.